Our Grants

Housing America’s aging society: a bioethics standpoint for policy development

Nancy Berlinger, PhD
The Hastings Center
Grant Type Bridging Bioethics Research & Policymaking
Grant Cycle 2022
Duration 12 months
Amount $32,165

The goal of most older Americans to age in place relies on housing affordability, accessibility, and proximity to services. This project seeks to apply a “housing lens,” developed through empirical bioethics research, to age-focused policymaking. Collaboration with a socially engaged network of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers will aim to produce a set of issue briefs that critically analyze ideas at the intersection of health policy and housing policy. The issue briefs will be designed for age-focused policymakers at state and regional/local levels, reflecting their roles in incentivizing housing development and in Medicaid and other relevant state-level programs. Sharing through policymaker networks will support use.
